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 约翰克兰机械密封 >> 金属波纹管 >> 1604HTC
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  High-Performance High-temperature Metal Bellows API 682 / ISO 21049 Stationary Cartridge Seal with HTC Technology
The Type 1604HTC is an API 682 / ISO 21049 qualified single stationary bellows cartridge seal Type C, Arrangement 1. The Type Type 1604HTC incorporates all-Inconel HTC technology to reliably seal high-temperature corrosive fluids. The seal includes a segmented spring-loaded carbon throttle bushing for effective containment with a retained mating ring for vacuum service. The cartridge seal also incorporates a steam guide for effective use of a quench (steam) that helps eliminate coking problems often associated with hot hydrocarbon applications. The Type 1604HTC is able to handle higher speed applications.

Premium API 682 / ISO 21049 qualified single stationary cartridge seal Type C, Arrangement 1. Incorporates HTC high-temperature corrosion resistant technology for superior corrosion resistance and exceptional face stability. Sealide C advanced silicon carbide composite. retained mating ring option for vacuum service. Segmented spring-loaded carbon throttle bushing for effective containment. All Inconel bellows metallurgy - meets NACE MR0175/MR0103. Stationary bellows assembly capable of handling high shaft speed applications and high shaft-to-seal chamber misalignment. Steam guide standard for effective utilization of a steam quench in coking environments.

Quick Specs - Refer to datasheet for full specification and limits
温度-75C to 425C / -100F to 800F
压力Vacuum to 20 bar g/300 psig
转速Up to 50 mps / 10,000 fpm

点击数:50  录入时间:2014-10-22 【打印此页】 【关闭
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